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18.09.2024 – 28.09.2024 | 2024年9月18日(水)~9月28日(土)
Japan / 日本
IRISH Days 2024 and the Kwaidan Exhibition at Nagakute
NAGAKUTE Cultural Center | 長久手市文化の家

Date: 18 Sep (Wed) – 28 Sep (Sat) 11:00-17:00
Fee: Free admission

“Kwaidan” was published by Patrick Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904) in 1904. This exhibition is an art exhibition of prints and photographs by 40 Irish and Japanese artists inspired by Hearn’s Ghost Stories, each interpreting the work in their own way. Through the mediums of print and photography, they have attempted to express the preciousness, horror and inevitability of death as depicted in each tale of Hearn’s ghost stories. The artists have created unique works of art with surprising techniques and interpretations of these strange and ethereal tales. We hope that this exhibition will celebrate Hearn’s literature, strengthen the cultural ties he forged between Japan and Ireland, and promote cultural exchange through contemporary artworks.

The project is organised by Blue Moon Projects, a working group formed by Irish artists including Stephen Lawlor, Kate McDonagh and Ed Miliano, and will be held at Nagakute City Cultural House by the Irish Days Executive Committee following an offer from the organisers. 

Patrick Lafcadio Hearn and Ireland
Hearn, who emigrated to his father’s country at the age of two, absorbed the oral literary tradition through his childhood in Ireland, honed his skills as a journalist in the USA and wrote many books in Japan. Among these, “Kwaidan” is a masterpiece, the culmination of Hearn’s literary career.

Event Introduction by Mitsuko Ohno
Irish Days Executive Committee

Kwaidan is well known to the Japanese as a collection of Japanese folktales. Less commonly known are the facts that its author was Lafcadio Hearn, born on the Greek island of Lefkada and raised in Ireland, and that the original story was written in English by Hearn, who became Yakumo Koizumi by marrying a Japanese woman named Setsu Koizumi.

When Blue Moon Projects approached me in the spring of 2023 to help bring “Kwaidan – Encounters with Lafcadio Hearn” to Nagoya or its surrounding areas, I considered not only the best venue for the art exhibition but also how to engage potential audiences with Hearn’s connection to Ireland and foster an appreciation for the lesser-known aspects of his life and international esteem.

After consulting with my local friends, we concluded that presenting the exhibition within the context of ‘Irish culture’ would help people better appreciate the significance of Hearn’s stories and the artistic exchange between Ireland and Japan. This idea led to the formation of the Irish Days Executive Committee.

The Nagakute City’s Cultural Centre, located just outside Nagoya City, now known to the world as the home of Ghibli Park, fortunately offered us not only a wonderful venue but also dedicated staff to support this comprehensive cultural event. The art exhibition has since expanded into Irish Days 2024, which under the title ‘Dialogue between Ireland and Japan’ features a lecture by Mr. Bon Koizumi, Yakumo’s great-grandson, a conversation between him and myself, a reading concert of ‘Yuki-onna’, as well as an Irish music concert, music sessions, food, culture and much more. We are also very grateful to the Embassy of Ireland and the many other patrons and supporters for their generosity.

Coincidentally, we received news in June that Hearn’s wife, Setsu, will be the protagonist in the very popular NHK TV drama series starting in autumn 2025, leading us to believe that Hearn/Yakumo has given his blessing to Irish Days 2024, 120 years after his death.

We sincerely hope that the people of Nagakute, Nagoya and beyond will take this opportunity to deepen their  understanding of the cosmopolitan Hearn/Koizumi, with his Irish roots, and enjoy their new ‘encounter with Ireland’.


Key events include a lecture by Bon Koizumi-sensei, a talk session with Koizumi-sensei and Ohno-sensei, a lecture and talk by Kwaidan Exhibition artist Michael Schneider on Printmaking and a reading by Kumiko Yamada-sensei (Aichi Shukutoku University).

Please see their websites for details of all the events.

Click the thumbnail below to see the image in full.



『怪 談 』は 、1 9 0 4 年 に パ トリッ ク・ラ フ カ ディ オ・ ハ ー ン (1850-1904)によって出版されました。本展は、ハー ンの『怪談』にインスパイアされたアイルランドと日 本を拠点とする40名のアーティストが、それぞれに解釈を試みた版画と写真による美術展です。彼らは、「版画」と「写真」という媒 体を通して『怪談』の各話に描かれている死の尊さ、恐怖、不可 避性などを表現しようと試みました。この奇妙で幽玄な物語を驚くような技法と解釈で、個性的な作品を生み出しました。この展 覧会を通して、ハーン文学を讃えるとともに、彼が日本とアイルラ ンドの間に築いた文化的な絆をより強くし、現代アートの作品を 通じて文化交流が促進することを期待しています。

この企画は、スティーブン・ローラー、ケイト・マクドナー、エド・ミリア ーノをはじめとするアイルランド人アーティストによって結成された ワーキンググループ「ブルー・ムーン・プロジェクツ」が主催し、主催 者からのオファーを受けてアイリッシュデイズ実行委員会が長久 手市文化の家で開催するものです。

2歳で父の国アイルランドに移住したハーンは、アイルランドで過ごした幼少期を通じ て口承文芸の伝統を吸収し、アメリカ でジャーナリストとしての腕を磨き、さらに日本で多くの著作を書き上げました。中でも、『怪談』はハーン文学 の集大成ともいうべき最高傑作です。

―「怪談 ラフカディオ・ハーンとの邂逅」に寄せてー

大野 光子
アイリッシュデイズ実行委員会 代表



それなら、「怪談 ラフカディオ・ハーンとの邂逅」を「アイルランド文化」の中に位置付けてみたらどうだろう。そうすれば、これらの作品の理解も進み、アイルランドと日本の美術交流の意義もより良く伝えられるのではないか?こうした発想から、アイリッシュデイズ実行委員会が結成されました。





