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14.10.2023 – 08.01.2024 / 10.14㊏―2024.1.8㊊
Japan / 日本
Yaizu Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum /
Yaizu, Shizuoka / 静岡県焼津市

Kwaidan, the renowned collection of Japanese ghost stories by Patrick Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904), was published in 1904. This exhibition features the works of 40 artists based in Ireland and Japan who have been inspired by Kwaidan.

Lafcadio Hearn and Yaizu

The first time Lafcadio Hearn visited Yaizu with his family was August 4, 1897. Hearn, who was looking for a seaside town to spend his summer vacation, learned about Yaizu through an acquaintance and was fascinated by Yaizu’s deep and rough sea. From then until his death in September 1904, Hearn spent six summers in Yaizu with his son and students.

The Hearn group’s regular lodging in Yaizu was on the second floor of the house of Otokichi Yamaguchi, who ran a fish shop on Kaigandori. The bright and sincere Otokichi attracted Hearn’s attention, and the two developed a deep friendship.

Hearn was busy teaching at a university and writing in Tokyo, but in Yaizu he enjoyed swimming and taking walks with the Otokichi family, and it is said that he had a peaceful time there. He also took an interest in the Yaizu Festival, which is held every August, and wrote about it in his work “Community Festivals”. For Hearn, Yaizu was not only a summer resort, but also a place that deeply inspired his literature. His research in Yaizu culminated in works such as “Otokichi Daruma”, “Drifting”, “At Yaizu”, “The Seaside” and “Night Luminous Insects”.

In August 1904, Hearn asked Otokichi to find land to build a villa in Yaizu and returned to Tokyo. However, the following month, he died of a heart attack at the age of 54. The Otokichi house where Hearn was staying has been relocated to Meijimura Open Air Museum in Aichi Prefecture, where it is now open to the public as the “Lafcadio Hearn’s Summer Resort”.

Yaizu Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum

The Yaizu Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum was opened in 2007 in Yaizu, Shizuoka Prefecture, which Hearn loved as a summer resort in his later years. The museum houses many Hearn-related materials collected by Yaizu City and the private organisation – Yaizu Koizumi Yakumo Honouring Society – and is open to the public as a permanent exhibition. Throughout the year, various events related to Hearn are held, such as Jazz nights for recalling Hearn’s New Orleans days, Irish Celtic music, reading performances of Hearn’s work, art exhibitions and lectures by scholars of Hearn. The museum is visited by many Hearn enthusiasts from Japan and abroad.

The Yaizu Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum and the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum in Matsue City, Shimane, are the only systematic museums to solely honour Hearn. Currently, Lafcadio Hearn’s great-grandson Bon Koizumi has been appointed as the honorary director, and Yaizu Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum operates as an educational facility to disseminate Hearn’s research and achievements.

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焼津小泉八雲記念館は、八雲が晩年、避暑地として愛した静岡県焼津の地に2007 年(平成19)に開館しました。記念館では、焼津市と民間団体である焼津小泉八雲顕彰会が収集した多くの八雲関連資料を収蔵し、それらを常設展示として一般公開しています。また年間を通じて、八雲に関する企画展示会や、アイリッシュミュージックやジャズなど、八雲ゆかりの国にちなむ様々なイベントも開催され、多くの八雲愛好家が国内外から訪れています。
